Doctors pull 26-inch EEL out of a man's backside after he forced the live creature into his anus (along with a lemon)… and it started to bite his large intestine

New Photo - Doctors pull 26-inch EEL out of a man's backside after he forced the live creature into his anus (along with a lemon)… and it started to bite his large intestine
Doctors pull 26-inch EEL out of a man's backside after he forced the live creature into his anus (along with a lemon)… and it started to bite his large intestine
A man who stuffed a live eel up his backside was left in agony when the sharp-toothed sea creature tried to bite its way out of his digestive tract. Horrified medics in Vietnam discovered the 26-inch long eel in X-ray scans taken to diagnose the cause of his pain on July 27, local media reports. They found the eel had attempted to chew its way out by biting through the wall of his large intestine.
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