The cryptocurrencies that experts expect to soar: As Bitcoin hits levels to tempt even cautious investors, these are the five best investment bets... and five more that AREN'T worth the risk

New Photo - The cryptocurrencies that experts expect to soar: As Bitcoin hits levels to tempt even cautious investors, these are the five best investment bets... and five more that AREN'T worth the risk
The cryptocurrencies that experts expect to soar: As Bitcoin hits levels to tempt even cautious investors, these are the five best investment bets... and five more that AREN'T worth the risk
Cryptocurrencies are booming once again. Bitcoin, the original example of digital money, hit a record high of $99,830 (£79,541) per coin earlier this month, and may have further to climb. It is no wonder, when President-elect Donald Trump has previously pledged to turn the US into 'the world capital of Bitcoin'. It's just two and a half years since cryptocurrencies faced such a plunge in value that many thought they would all but sink into oblivion.
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