Father whose six-month-old son was found almost eaten alive by rats with 50 separate bites and his tiny fingers gnawed to the bone gets maximum sentence

New Photo - Father whose six-month-old son was found almost eaten alive by rats with 50 separate bites and his tiny fingers gnawed to the bone gets maximum sentence
Father whose six-month-old son was found almost eaten alive by rats with 50 separate bites and his tiny fingers gnawed to the bone gets maximum sentence
An Indiana father whose six-month-old son was found nearly eaten alive by rats with 50 separate bites was given the maximum sentence of 16 years for his horrific crimes. The boy, aged just six months when he was found in September 2023, suffered over 50 bites to his forehead, cheek, nose, thigh, foot, and toes as he slept in his crib in an Evansville 'house of horror', before being found by his father, 32-year-old David Schonabaum, the next morning with all the fingers on his right hand missing.
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