Top News | Inside Putin’s ‘Star Warrior’ weapon as Russia threatens to destroy 32 Nato satellites to cripple missile systems

Tue, 23 Nov 2021 13:40:36 +0000
RUSSIA'S new weapon dubbed ...Star Warrior... has the West worried as it can blast satellites out of orbit at heights of up to 500 miles above Earth. Vladimir Putin's state owned TV issued a chilling threat that Russia may deploy the system to destroy some 32 Western satellites to render Nato missiles useless. 865 It comes after Putin used the weapon to destroy a redundant Soviet-era Tselina-D military reconnaissance satellite \- blasting it into an orbital debris storm. Intelligence sources in the West and Russia believe the hunk of space junk was annihilated by the new satellite killer missile system. The weapon has been dubbed the ...Star Warrior... by state Russian media and is the next step in an orbital arms race. Putin tested the missiles nine times between 2014 and 2020 before it was deployed to destroy an actual satellite on November 15, according to Moscow-based Centre for Analysis of Strategy and Technologies. State-controlled Russian Channel One TV host Dmitry Kiselyov \- dubbed Putin's "mouthpiece" and "propagandist-in-chief" \- has claimed the satellite strike was a deliberate warning to the West not to cross the Kremlin's red lines on Ukraine.  He boasted in the event of worsening relations, Russia could wipe out 32 GPS satellites crucial for Nato's military operations, including the pinpointing of missile strikes. Most read in The Sun WAR OF WORDS Moment mum is abused days before she & husband killed in 'parking row' ENERGY CRISIS Eleven more energy suppliers set to go bust pushing bills up to £2,000 a year BACK AT IT Grealish breaks silence after love triangle claims as he misses Man City win FAIR & SQUARE EastEnders legend is unrecognisable with huge grey beard 18 years after fame WHAT'S GOING ON EAR? 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We will continue to clearly and consistently delineate our red lines, which no-one is permitted to cross Dmitry Kiselyov The A-235 missile system is both an anti-satellite system, and an anti-ballistic missile system \- with its predecessor currently guarding Moscow. It uses the ominous-looking and pyramid-esque Don-2N radar to detect incoming threats and blast them out the sky \- which can also detect threats in space. The radar \- known to Nato as the Pill Box \- is currently used by Russia's A-135 missile defences and will be used with its successor, A-235. The centrepiece of the radar is a supercomputer called Elbrus-2. Once threats are detected, the 14TS033 missiles can reportedly accelerate to speeds of up to Mach 12 \- some 15,000mph. And they are believed to be able to hit targets some 500 miles over the Earth, with the ISS orbiting at heights of around 250 miles. 960East2WestThe weapons system was tested last week \- destroying an old satellite from the Soviet Union '/ ' 960East2WestThe weapon is fired from a ground based missile launcher '/ ' 960AlamyThe massive Don-2N radar complex will detect threats in space '/ ' Crew aboard the space station were actually forced to seek shelter during the widely condemned missile test last week. Russia deputy prime minister Yuri Borisov previously bragged that the Star Warrior weapons system has no counterpart in the West. It comes as the world enters a chilling new phase of a military driven space race \- with Russia, China and the US all experimenting with orbital weapons. Videos show footage of tests suspected of involving the new technology which last week was launched from Plesetsk military cosmodrome.  One showed a test launch at Sary-Shagan test site in Kazakhstan in April, another in September.  Defence minister Shogun confirmed at the time "a successful test of a new system \- it hit an old satellite with high precision.... SPACE WARS Putin propagandist Kiselyov told his viewers: "Russia does not need conflicts. "Russia needs guarantees of security, and in order to rule out the possibility of provocations capable of spilling over into a full-scale military confrontation, we will continue to clearly and consistently delineate our red lines, which no-one is permitted to cross." Western officials have blasted Russia's weapons test as ...reckless... and warned it risks further militarising space. NASA administrator Bill Nelson said ...I'm outraged by this irresponsible and destabilizing action. With its long and storied history in human spaceflight, it is unthinkable that Russia would endanger not only the American and international partner astronauts on the ISS, but also their own cosmonauts. ...Their actions are reckless and dangerous, threatening as well the Chinese space station and the taikonauts on board.... UK Defence Secretary Wallace added: ...This destructive anti-satellite missile test by Russia shows a complete disregard for the security, safety and sustainability of space.... Most read in News WHERE'S BOBBI? 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Inside Putin's 'Star Warrior' weapon as Russia threatens to destroy 32 Nato satellites to cripple missile systems


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